Art Coaching with Sébastien


A creative process that releases blocked forces and frees and inspires you

You don't need any experience or previous knowledge of painting. In this process, you paint and create intuitively.

Why art coaching?

Art coaching can help you with:

  • To deepen or activate your emotional awareness
  • To break through invisible barriers in important areas of your life
  • To free yourself from old shackles
  • To give your life a new boost
  • To strengthen your confidence in yourself
  • To strengthen your intuitive understanding
  • To gain clarity about your next steps
  • To gain inner strength
  • To gain harmony between head and heart

How does an art coaching session work?

An art coaching session is always tailored to your needs.


We sit together on the floor or at the table. We use oil pastels, chalk and paper. Now your picture is created step by step. It is an intuitive process that can also include music, videos or ideas from you and me. We work holistically with your system.


You can present a specific topic or more general things that concern you.


Intensive session:

An intensive session is organized in a similar way, but often takes several hours and the goal is a reset.

Usually two images are created in this format:

  • The current situation, with which you can process and release old burdens.
  • The power image, ideal image or self-image that can contain the potential of new paths and new possibilities. It represents what your future could look like.

It is a profound process that leads you to new impulses.


Workshop “ONCE for YOU”

In my workshop «Einmal für DICH» YOU will experience and learn how creative painting can help you in an interactive and playful way:

  • to explore and process inner processes,
  • to give form to what stands in your way and thus to transform it and let it go,
  • to gain new inner images and perspectives

The number of participants is limited to 6. Bring clothes that you feel comfortable in and can move around in. We will paint on the floor with our hands and oil pastels.

3 hours workshop per person: CHF 150.- including snacks CHF 15.- for material


Just call us:043 817 46 77

Or write to

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