Craniosacral therapy with Sébastien



Why craniosacral therapy?

The CST has a wide range of possible applications. Among other things it can help you with:

  • Chronic and acute pain conditions
  • Headaches / migraines Jaw problems (e.g. tension, misalignment, grinding, craniomandibular dysfunction)
  • Hearing and vision problems as well as tinnitus
  • Stress and its consequences
  • Disturbances of mental balance
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Organ diseases
  • Regeneration after illness
  • Support in challenging periods

How does CST work?

CST is a gentle manual whole-body therapy that promotes self-healing powers and brings your entire body back into balance. Fine manual impulses support your health and your resources.

The structure and function of all your tissues are improved and harmonized. Your muscles, bones and organs relax, and cell metabolism and cell regeneration are stimulated. All levels of your existence come into more balance. The treatment is system oriented.

How does a CST treatment work?

Blockages, limitations, and congestions in the body are detected through my hands. These can arise, for example, from illnesses or physical and psychological trauma. Working together with you, these disruptions will be reduced or resolved.

Craniosacral therapy for babies, children and families

Why CST for mothers and infants?


CST is particularly effective in infants.


It can help infants with:

    The control of the general health of the childThe resolution of birth-related trauma (eg: due to caesarean section, umbilical cord wrapping, anesthesia, premature birth)Hyper- and hypotonia & asymmetriesCrying childrenTwister neck

Prenatally, CST can help you as a mother with:

    Postnatal DepressionBondingSupport and coping with miscarriageBaby loss

Postnatally, CST can help you as a mother with:

    Physical complaintsRelaxation of the pelvic floorMother-baby & family-baby bondingIncorrect position of the baby in the womb

Entire family systems can receive help from CST, among other things, with:

    Family bondingSibling rivalriesRegression of the older sibling after the arrival of the new family memberChallenges in parenting

CST for toddlers and school children

Why CST for children?

Craniosacral therapy can help children with:

  • Learning and concentration difficulties
  • Growing pains
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Dealing with difficult situations (divorce, grief...)
  • Stress and restlessness
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hyperactivity, Asperger's syndrome and autism
  • Dental and jaw regulation
  • Postural problems
  • Frequent infections and pain
  • Unrest in the family
  • Rehabilitation after accidents and serious illnesses

How is CST used in children?

When I treat children, the treatment can take place on the treatment table but also while playing on the floor or in the therapy swing. I adapt to the child's needs. It is important to me that the child consents to the treatment and allows my touch. I respect its boundaries. The treatment room is designed to suit its needs. If desired, Paolo, our 13-year-old Segugio Italiano, can also be present during the treatment. His friendly, calm, and relaxed manner often helps children to relax and strengthen their self-confidence. Many children experience therapy sessions more as a visit to Paolo than as a therapy intervention.

CST for children on the neurodiverse spectrum

Why CST for children on the neurodiverse spectrum?

CST can help children on the neurodiverse spectrum amongst others with:

  • Relaxation of body and mind
  • Establishing trusting relationships with people outside the family circle and thus strengthening their socialization
  • Improving the ability to deal with stress and negative emotions
  • Reducing tension and anxiety
  • Being able to deal better with sensory overload
  • Being better able to control your mood and actions in everyday situations

How is CST used with children on the neurodiverse spectrum?

When treating children on the neurodiverse spectrum, building the relationship between me and the child plays a central role. The session adapts to the child's rhythm. It is often desirable and helpful if parents can be involved. The therapy swing is often used for children in this spectrum because the child finds a safe place in it and at the same time the treatment is very playful.

CST in water

I have developed a form of craniosacral therapy in water that I offer in a private therapy pool.

Why CST in water?

CST in water can help you with:

  • Back and neck problems
  • Arthritis
  • Rheumatical diseases
  • Stress
  • Trauma of inner restlessness
  • Friction in your relationship

How does CST work in water?

The water and the therapy pool give you an additional feeling of security.

Weightlessness makes it possible for you to experience old injuries and their associated emotional components with more ease. Your body uses the water to let those old memories arise and go.

The element of water is an energy source that allows you to find harmony and security.

I support your body's healing journey and give you the opportunity to completely surrender to the water.

Why is CST in water helpful for couples?

If you and your partner are out of sync, the shared vibrations are dissonant - communication between you can be difficult.

With a treatment in water, I help you to find (again) you way into common vibration on a non-verbal, physical level. The water helps you to be carried and to carry the other person, to re-experience your emotional level and to discover diverse levels of communication.

This way you can find common wavelength and more understanding for each other.

CST for people with mental and/or physical disabilities

Why CST for people with mental and/or physical disabilities?

  • Relieve or manage limitations of the musculoskeletal system, e.g. back pain, neck, shoulder or hip pain, dysplasia.
  • Deal with developmental and static disorders (scoliosis, lameness).
  • Relieve headaches and dizziness.
  • Prepare for operations and rehabilitate afterwards.
  • Manage recurring breathing difficulties and circulatory problems.
  • Relieve or resolve constipation, pain when swallowing and digestive disorders.

How does CST treatment work for disabled people?

I treat my clients on the couch, sitting (in a wheelchair), in motion or in the water. My couch is hydraulically height-adjustable, so transferring to the couch is easier.

The water therapy pool in Zurich Wiedikon is unfortunately only partially accessible for people in wheelchairs. CST in water can be very effective for people with disabilities. For more detailed information please read CST in water.

Through my work for 5 years as a craniosacral therapist in water for the Wagerenhof Foundation in Uster, I have gained experience in treating people with disabilities. I treat my disabled clients from the Wagerenhof Foundation in Uster regularly 1-2 times a month. External places are limited. Please ask me directly.

CST treatment can help you as a disabled person on a psychological level, among other things:

  • To calm down
  • To relax
  • To sleep better

People with physical disabilities often have functional problems. People with intellectual disabilities also suffer from physical problems that can be treated excellently with CST.


A CST treatment can help you as a disabled person on a physical level, among other things:


• to calm down

• to relax

• Sleep better

CST im Alter

Why CST in old age?

CST can help seniors with, among other things:

  • To achieve a general improvement in well-being
  • To alleviate rheumatic and other age-related complaints
  • To relieve tension, pain or restricted mobility
  • To strengthen the immune system after illness, accident and in general
  • To regenerate faster and better after accidents or illnesses
  • To improve one's own breathing and body awareness
  • To alleviate or relieve emotional and physical tension due to underlying neural diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc.)
  • To find peace in the dying phase through end-of-life care

How does end-of-life care with CST work?

I have found that supporting the dying process with CST can help dying people find peace and palliatively alleviate accompanying physical and mental pain. CST helps to release existing inner tensions and can lead to silence and deep peace.


Excerpt from a feedback on one of my end-of-life care sessions:


«…The next time I was allowed to be there, I was surprised at how quickly my father responded. He no longer called for help and was completely relaxed. I was also able to get several hours of sleep afterwards. I am very grateful that Sébastien used this therapy, would recommend this to any patient in the situation that my father was. To this day I don't have a name for the application, but I won't forget the experience..."

We are EMR, Craniosuisse and OdaKT certified. 70 to 90% of the costs for craniosacral therapy are covered by supplementary insurance for complementary therapies.

For detailed information on craniosacral therapy:

"Sebastien has treated me several times with craniosacral and emotional support. His skills were very useful to me. My recovery after competitions or injuries was much faster as a result."

- BD Zurich

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