Structural integration and the integrated methods of fascial release, scar work and organ work can help you with:
“When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through, then spontaneously, the body heals itself.”
Dr. Ida P. Rolf, founder of the structural integration method
What is structural integration?
ATSI© (Anatomy Trains Structural Integration) consists of a series of 12 neuro-myo-fascial manual therapeutic treatments.
In 12 consecutive sessions you will learn how your body can move and behave more easily. Each session addresses a different territory of your body. The treatments build on each other. The superficial layers are treated first, then the deeper structures. The remaining sessions serve to integrate the entire body into new movement patterns.
Conditions of tension and pain are progressively relieved or resolved.
Where does structural integration come from?
Structural integration was developed, refined, and taught by Dr. Ida P. Rolf in the second half of the last century. In order to make the method catchier as a name, it was called Rolfing© and is best known by that name. Tom Myers has added another thought to the original idea with his concept of Anatomy Trains©.
What is the difference between fascial release and structural integration?
Fascial release techniques are the techniques primarily used in Structural Integration. Individual therapy sessions can help to relieve or resolve acute pain conditions through fascial treatments. However, over the last 50+ years of experience by Structural Integrators worldwide, it has been proven time and again that lasting change is created through a series.
Warum Sharon Wheeler's Scar Work?
Scar work can help you:
What is Sharon Wheeler’s Scar Work and how does it work?
In the world of connective tissue, working with scars means speaking a new language. Scar tissue is very dense, with special properties. At the same time, it changes quickly and easily and, after processing, integrates smoothly into the three-dimensional network of connective tissue.
For this work, I use almost casual touches. The work begins superficially and continues into the deep reaches of the scar tissue. A session of scar work very often leads to whole-body integration and change of the entire system, including the resolution of trauma and nerve-related numbness.
The cosmetic effect is appealing, and the functional changes can be profound.
What types of scars can be treated?
Every scar responds to this treatment.
Natural scars and surgical scars of all ages respond immediately to the treatment, which continues to have an effect and leads to further improvement during a few days to weeks after the session. The results achieved are permanent.
The treatment is painless even with fresh scars and the degree of change in just one session is immense.
Sharon Wheeler's scar integration can be used as a standalone treatment and integrates smoothly with structural integration treatment.
Why organ treatments?
Organ treatments can help you with:
Acute symptoms cannot be treated. Acute attacks of, for example, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, kidney infections and the like must first be treated and subsided before this organ treatment can be used.
How are the organs treated?
In these treatments, the fascial bags around your organs are treated through indirect touch. Each organ has mobility, i.e., the ability to move in relation to the other organs and body structures, and motility, i.e., autonomous movement. During treatment, mobility and motility are checked for restrictions. If restrictions appear, this indicates that the fascial layer surrounding the organ has adhesions to other fascial structures. Through this indirect technique, the adhesions are detected and gradually dissolved as much as possible in balance with the entire organ system. This returns the organs to more optimal functionality.
Why work with bones?
This work can help you:
Bonework uses precise manual pressure on the fascial structures of the bone. The bone reacts quickly, and deformations can be evened out. In addition, joints can react to this type of treatment through pressure. The treatment is completely painless.
„Als Klientin habe ich die Arbeit mit Joachim sehr geschätzt. Er packt an und dies mit Feingefühl. Ihm ist wichtig, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Die Faszination am Menschen ist deutlich spürbar. Körperliche und weitere Transformationen freuen ihn als Therapeuten genauso wie mich. Die Therapien in Struktureller Integration waren die Reise wert. Ich habe viel lernen können. Danke.“
- M.F., Spyraldynamikerin, Bern
"Physical personality is reflected in psychological personality. So, too, physical movement colors psychological behavior. Through movement, human sense the driving force of change. Movement is the physical acceptance of change; awareness of this tends to be below the individual’s consciousness awareness. For the therapist of the psyche as well as the for the therapies dealing with the physical man, the goal is appropriate moment. Psychotherapist senses immobility in the dimension of time rather than of space. The individual bogged down, unmoving in time, unable to escape from his infantile or adolescent assumptions or traumata, manifest these physically as well as psychologically. His lack of movement, his general or localized rigidity, are unequivocal in their statement. Movement induced in the physical body will losing psychological chains. The job of the psychotherapist that's become easier.”
- Dr. Ida Rolf, chapter 10 Function is Movement
"One of the more interesting aspects of scar work is observing the whole-body changes that can result from it. Because of the possibility of whole body changes scar work is best received by people who are being Rolfed. However, most scar work does not need a whole session to integrate what is released. It is usually enough to do back work, neck work and pelvic lift for balance. This allows for the use of scar work outside a Rolfing series as a “stand alone intervention” with good success. I don’t think of scar tissue as stuff to break up or material to get rid of. I think scars are made up of the valuable stuff you want to liberate to become vital tissue again. It feels like you use all of it to the good with nothing left over when you are done."
- Sharon Wheeler
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